For the love of Penang… come home

An annual campaign to bring home Penangites from around the world – at least once a year.

Welcome to the blog! February 17, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jasmine, @ 4:07 am

Hello there! You’ve found us. What we’re attempting to build here is not just an online campaign, not just a two-day festival, this is not just a fad. Inspired by my Mother who refuses to return more often, I’m drawn to this project because I only wish for Mum to return home to Penang for a visit. At least once a year. And I’m sure I’m not alone.

How many of you have family, relatives and friends living abroad? How long has it been since you’ve seen them? Penang has developed into a charming heritage city with a unique identity of its own. It’s always had that uniqueness. And I believe she’s got her charm back!

What we will intend to do with this blog, website, campaign and festival, is to grow an awareness amongst Penangites firstly, that its Penang has attained the UNESCO Heritage City status and that only means that there will be many good things lying ahead for the island and the mainland in the near future. Let’s grow Penang together! Thank you.

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